
What can SCI-COM do for you?

Develop complete machine vision / data acquisition systems to various industries within and outside India.
Develop image/signal-processing algorithms in the form of custom controls, dynamic and static libraries for critical needs of your applications.
Provide technical consultancy in the field of Digital Image Processing.
Undertake on-site/off-site up-gradation of existing machine vision systems / software products.
Provide trained manpower support on long-term basis for OEM in the field of vision systems.

Focus area of software services

SCI-COM has the resources and capabilities for providing software development services in the following application areas:

  • Advanced image processing algorithms in the field of quality control.
  • Simulation of the physical model of any system.
  • Numerical analysis based scientific computing.
  • Applications in space research, strategic systems, industrial data acquisition and analysis, astronomy and seismology.
  • Image processing algorithms
  • Applications in pattern recognition, machine vision (Semiconductor wafer / food / pharma inspection), image analysis for metallurgy, biometrics, space and astronomy, strategic systems, medical imaging, communication and display systems, re-engineering and training
  • Image processing algorithms.
  • Advanced image processing algorithms; Segmentation, wavelet based segmentation, unsupervised grouping, image alignment, OCR, defect detection etc.
  • Real time data acquisition
  • Signal processing and control for material testing, force/extension measurement, vibration analysis, dynamic balancing, hardness measurement etc.