Radar Controller Software Application


RadCon-1.0 is a MS-WindowsTM based software application for a typical pulse radar’s control, configuration and data grabbing functions. This software configures an external Radar Signal Processing Unit (RSPU) for all its operational parameters and provides various modes of controlled operation of the radar system. It further grabs (using a data grabber utility)  the basic processed radar echo samples from any external Radar Signal Processing Unit (RSPU) and visualizes them on a user-friendly HMI display besides saving the data for further data processing functions. RadCon-1.0 allows storage of either the time domain data and/or doppler spectral data on local or network based storage devices in a variety of formats.

RadCon-1.0 software application’s configuration module can create and save multiple configurations of parameters and modes of operation and transfer them to Radar Signal Processing Unit (RSPU) instantly. It also provides a user-friendly graphical user interface to set/change the radar Timing and Control Signal Generator (TCSG) dynamically. The TCSG configuration parameters include from  very basic timing signals such as IPP marker to complex signal processing function parameters such smoothing windows, filter masks, digital down conversion parameters etc.

Typical Applications :

  • Wind Profiler Radar, Doppler Weather Radar, Cloud Radar, Ionospheric Radar Systems

Software Specifications:

Serial No.RadCon-1.0 Input DataSpecification
1No. of radar receive channels8 (Maximum)
2Type of input dataRSPU processed digital samples (time / frequency domain)
3Input data types16 or 32 bit integers or 32 bit floating point values
Serial No.RadCon-1.0 Configuration ParametersSpecification
1Radar Configuration 
 Mode of OperationOn-line/Off-line, CW, Coded, Uncoded
 Frequency of operationMHz
 No. of range bins1024 (Maximum)
 No. of Coherent Integrations4 (Minimum)
 No. of incoherent integrations1024 (Maximum)
 No. of FFT points1024 (Maximum)
 Pulse parametersPulse width (ns), baud rate (MHz)
 IPP frequencyIn KHz
 Data input sampling frequencyIn MSPS
 Code pattern if input is codedHex code
 Set of timing and control parametersSWIN, Minimum height (meter), TX Pulse, TX Code, RX Blanking, TX Blanking, TR Switch Control
 Beam ControlNumber of Beams, Selectable Beam Sequence, Azimuth angles, Elevation angles
3Signal Processing Parameters 
 Front end (RSPU) parametersNCO frequency (MHz), down conversion factor, no. of integration filters etc.
 Noise thresholddBm or automatic
 Adaptive filtering mask sizesNo. of range bins or doppler bins
 Spectral Smoothing WindowsRectangular, Bartlett, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman, Kaiser
 Consensus Averaging ParametersMask sizes and weight values
Serial No.RadCon-1.0 Output Data and PlotsSpecification
1Doppler Spectra2D,3D, Color Coded Power Spectra
2Data Storage FormatsPlain unformatted text, Unformatted binary, NETCDF, BUFR

RadCon-1.0 Output Plots (2D/3D Color Coded Time/Spectral Data :