Wind Profiler Data Products Application


WindPro-1.0 is a MS-WindowsTM based software application for all data processing functions required to generate Wind Data Products in a Wind Profiler application. This software accepts the processed radar echo samples from any external radar front end unit and performs all data processing functions on the time domain data to produce various data products such as moments of the doppler spectra, wind motion vectors and other wind profile parameters. WindPro-1.0 allows storage of the data products on local or network based storage devices in a variety of formats.

Typical Applications :

  • Wind Profiler Radar, Doppler Weather Radar, Cloud Radar Systems

Software Specifications:

Serial No.WindPro Input DataSpecification
1No. of radar receive channels8 (Maximum)
2Type of input dataRSPU processed digital samples (time / frequency domain)
3Input data types16 or 32 bit integers or 32 bit floating point values
Serial No.WindPro Output Data and PlotsSpecification
1Doppler Spectra2D,3D, Color Coded Power Spectra
2Basic Wind ParametersMoments, Spectral Width, SNR U, V, W Vectors
3Derived Wind ParametersWind Speed, Wind Direction,Wind Queer, Color Coded Range Time(RT) Plots
4Data Storage FormatsPlain unformatted text, Unformatted binary, NETCDF, BUFR

Sample Plots Screens: